
Hello, I am Larisa Bostan and since adolescence I have felt an inexplicable attraction for the world of mysteries, for this area of knowledge and perfection of the human being, being fascinated to decipher what hides the human mind and what causes us to have certain behaviors. So I took small steps toward sciences that could answer these questions, such as psychology and numerology. I discovered in Numerology an extremely useful tool to understand myself, to know myself, much deeper than any other form of knowledge, which gave birth to the desire to help those around me to reach their optimum potential spiritually, materially and socially. I am based on a legal training, being licensed in law at the University of Galaţi ‘Dunarea de Jos’ and I also have a diploma in french language proficiency Delf B2. During these years of study I have developed deep analytical, intuitive, empathetic, research skills and reflective listening by interacting with people from diverse backgrounds.

I would like to accompany you in your own process of self-knowledge, development and personal evolution through the practical application of the theories, knowledge and experiences acquired so that you can achieve personal and professional fulfillment.



tel.: +40 751 042 973

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